Wow Now Thats what I call Music


[A is for age:]19
[B is for booze of choice:] Jagermeister. On Ice. Minus the red bull.
[C is for career choice:] Who knows? I'm my head a directior, a journalist, an editor
[D is for your dog's name(or cat. etc.):]Sarah
[E is for essential items to bring to a party:]Marlnoro
[F is for favorite song at the moment:]"Sweet Emotion"
[G is for favorite game:] Temop Hide and go Seek
[H is for hometown:]Celveland, OH.
[I is for instruments you play:] clarinet
[J is for jam or jelly you like:]Grape.
[K is for kids?]yes .
[L is for last kiss?]A week ago
[M is for marital status:]Single
[N is for name of your celebrity crush:]Johnny Depp (yeah whaever)
[O is for overnight hospital stays:]0
[P is for phobias:]having my back to an open door. or is that superstision [Q is for quotes you like:]"your life story would not make a good book. Don't even try" Fran Lebowitz
[R is for relationship that lasted the longest]:two weeks
[S is for sexual preference:]boys
[T is for time you wake up:]9:22.
[U is for underwear:]Blue with flowers
[V is for vegetable you love:]Broccoli.
[W is for worst habit:]Picking at the face eww
[X is for x-rays you've had:]6 or 7
[Y is for yummy food you make:]Toast
[Z is for zodiac sign:] Virgo


Bring on the cheer.

I don't think I'll be buying you a Christmas gift this year. With my meal plan depleted and my career non-existent I'll be spending my time eating ramon and cheese on bread every other day occasional splurging on canned pears. So it breaks my heart to tell you that you won't be getting a tickle me elmo from me this year. Sorry about that.

Just think about it though, maybe it's for the best. People are getting trampled on outside of walmart nowadays, there are some real bloody fist fights going on over the new Xbox 300 or whatever number we're on now. Fat women in spends and faux fur collared jackets are being remover by shopping carts in the electronics isle. You wouldn't want to see that happen to me.

If you said yes you'd be a selfish whore.


Public Service Anouncement

So I have this lump on the back of my neck, its just a little hard unimpressive ball but sometimes I find myself moving it around like a beairng. That can't be good. So if you you see me doing this when I am in public with you please pull me aside and tell me to stop, it isn't too atractive when I am pulling at the back of my neck with a constipated look in my eye.


Roll Please.

So now I have an online journal. Don't I feel pretty lame. I don't write in an ordinary journal so I don't know how long this will last. Why did I begin this journal you ask? Why thanks for taking an intrest, the truth is that I am increadibly shallow, I need an audience to my brain.
Empire falls just came on, ed harris and the like, I can watch freely watch because I've got the room to myself. I proably won't watch it though. It's too long. So what do I tell my audience? That I'm 5'5" and if I keep binge drinking and eating zzza's I'm well on my way to being the chubby girl whith the cute shoes? That I'm getting a bullshit degree in English and in 20 years I'll be known as the bag lady that hangs out on the streets of bowling green, pushing around my cat Lilie in a shoping cart I stole from Pick and Pay? That I'm in a sorritey? That I love it? I don't know. These are a little pointless. But I guess that's it for today. Goodnight Paul Newman.
