Last Day with a DSL connection!
Soon I'll be back in Cleveland, working off of a dial-up connection that's been connected to our computer since 1998.This means my one passion in life, youtube, is being torn away from me today.
So in honor of the Summer Blockbuster Season (which starts tomorrow with spiderman) and my favorite obsession I went a little ape shit.
The most exciting movies of the summer:
I don't think there has ever been a super-hero movie that I haven't enjoyed.
I even like Batman and Robin.
I'm pretty sure Spiderman will be awesome.
Zombies? British People? Creepy Hospital Beds? I'm in.
I've kind of always wanted to be some sort of carrier criminal. I'm pretty sure I have this movie franchise to blame.
If you have ever been to my house you know I have a thing for Stephen King books. Since I read Carrie in 7th grade I have loved them. Unfortunately his movies suck unless they do a major change to the plot and Stephen King is not involved in the writing (a-la The Shining) . When I read this story I slept with my bed lamp on for 2 nights. I'm crossing my fingers.
I'm not super-pumped but I'll probably end up seeing it.
I hope the musical movie fad never ends! I can't wait for Sweeney Todd.
If I am excited about one movie this summer it's this one. I can't wait. Watch this clip.
Also there's Live free or Die Hard, Knocked Up and The Simpson's Movie but I'm pretty sure you've seen them all before.
Now In Other Clips:
I want to find the person who made this and keep them in my basement.
Oh Christ. I love that.
Spider-Man 3 is going to be amazing. I refuse to bend on this regardless of what the early reviews have said. Also, I wish I'd known you liked Batman & Robin. Do I own this movie? Uh, yeah. I do.
I concur on 28 Weeks Later.
1408 should be really good because I think that King's short stories make much better films than his full length novels.
Chuck & Larry? Probably so so, it certainly won't be Delta Farce.
Hairspray has John Travolta in drag and Christopher Walken. That alone almost makes me want to see it. Also, Sweeney Todd should be adequately good/fucked up.
Ditto to Super Bad and all the others. What a great summer for movies! However, you forgot to mention The Condemned, which, if you haven't seen, you should probably just kill yourself. Actually don't.
In closing, how the hell do you find all these amazing YouTube clips? I HAVE TO KNOW!
Dustin Meadows!, at 9:58 PM
Sadly, I enjoyed the trailer for Hairspray. I have been 100% against the making of this film, seeing that I practically worship the John Waters original, and adore the musical. I hope Zack Effron, Queen Latiffa and Amanda Bynes don't fuck it all up. Don't even get me started.
I am excited for this new girl, though. I think that she shows promise. Also, Christopher Walken. Yay!
I need to finish that paper I was just complaining about.
emily, at 1:19 PM
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