you know
So this weekend was fun.Friday after the porn movies I went to Steve's, had a good time.
Saturday was saint Patrick's day and while a part of me still wishes I went to Cleveland for the parade I still had fun. I statrtd the day off at Ana's where I spent a good 20 minutes
wandering around the halls of the enclave trying to find her apartment
(they all look the fucking same) then went to subway (do you know you
can't buy acorn beef sandwich anywhere in Bowling Green??) and took a nap .
I woke up, watched L.A. story and finished the night at Dustin's where
Emily and I pretended to Irish dance to the Dropkick Murphy's, I acted
a damned fool.
Then Sunday
I sat on my ass and watched The Way We Were on TV. And you know what?

sometimes I just don't want to see Ben Stiller growing a mustache
and making funny voices. No-I want a straight up Romance movie; one
where it's sad and sweet and maybe someone dies at the end. Something
where Robert Redford and Barbara Streisand both look really young and
really good.
Come on Hollywood-make me happy. It's been 10 years since Titanic and that made like 2 billion dollars. Bring back the romance.
Anyway that's what I have been up to.
If you want a good romance movie then I suggest you watch either The Terminator or Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.
Dustin Meadows!, at 1:55 PM
We are really good Fake Irish Dancers.
Hanging out with you on Saturday night was seriously a blast, and I hope that this is the start of many St. Patrick's Days and drunken fake Irish dancing.
See you at UFO in a half hour!
emily, at 8:31 PM
the sex and the city where carrie talks about "the way we were" is on.
i was going to go to bed early. shooot...
emily, at 12:26 AM
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