Let's put a laugh track on videobank!
Okay, now I don't have a grudge against Fox news. When I go home me and my dad make it our nightly ritual to watch The O'Reilly Factor after dinner (it's a bonding thing) so I hold a special place in my heart for that show. And let's face it, if it weren't for cable news channels I would know nothing about Ana Nichole's lawsuits and Britney Spear's shaved head.
But you do not claim to be a fair and balanced news station one day and run off to produce some cheap Daily Show knock off the next day.
The daily show is on Comedy Central. They never have to follow their comedy show with a report on how many people were killed in Darfur today. Leave the come
Let's get another thing straight. It is not the Conservative/liberal thing. Making fun of conservatives is just as funny as making fun of liberals. And when I read Ann Coulter I admit I do laugh a little. The fact is, it is funny to make fun of pompous political assholes whose heads are stuck up their asses.
Al Gore-Funny.
Dennis Kucinich- funny (but just because he is so un-believably delusional).
Dick Cheney- Shot a guy in the face. Funny with a lot of u's in the middle.
So 1/2 hour news hour could have worked. It has lots of potential and could have tried to balance the slant of the Cable TV fake news shows.
But unfortunately-it didn't work out to well. But I'll let you decide.
Bottom line the half hour news hour needs to hire some better writers, and move over to Comedy Central or to a pod cast.
Also it's funny to make fun of idiots, which is why I have another place in my heart for wife swap.
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I think the other thing about The Daily Show is that, while very obviously having a liberal perspective, I think their humor can still be relatively funny to members on either end of the political spectrum who have a sense of humor. Whereas 1/2 Hour News Hour clearly comes from a right perspective based in spite rather than humor. C'mon, Fox News! Is it really that hard to make fun of liberals? I do it in my sleep!
Also, for further clarification-Making fun of liberals is way funnier, but probably because it's easier.
Dustin Meadows!, at 8:36 PM
If we do a laugh track, we should just record you and I laughing--and no one else. And always use the same one. Because we rule.
emily, at 9:35 AM
Laugh tracks eh? Uh...well...uh...I had bad experiences with laugh tracks...
Stephen L. Hildreth, at 11:22 PM
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