A few random things for you today .
Somebody please tell me why cartoon network didn't try to bomb my house?
I could really use the money.
And while we're on it can I sue Humans vs. Zombies I couldn't go out of the house for weeks after that terrorist scare.
The streets just aren't safe anymore.
I will however accept a lifetime supply of nerf balls as compensation for my pain.
Oh and the Michael Richards transformation is shaping up quite nicely. First I start with sensitivity training:
finaly, while traveling in Hollywood don't ever torment a giant wookie you'll end up with a broken arm. Plus none of your friends would believe you anyway.
i liked your humans v. zombies sketch idea.
emily, at 11:39 PM
1. Cartoon Network didn't try to bomb your house because you haven't found your way onto their Blacklist yet. Boston had it coming because, well...ever since that Tea Party things just haven't been the same there.
2. If it's any consolation, when there's a real zombie apocalypse the Humans vs. Zombies folks will be the first to go since they probably figure they actually have a shot at beating the undead.
3. Also, you've done great work with Michael! Keep up the good work!
4. That cat should be grateful he only got his arm broke...Typically wookiees rip arms straight off.
5. Ditto to Emily's comment.
Dustin Meadows!, at 11:05 AM
Also also...I don't have a lifetime supply of NERF balls...But I've got a shit ton of those darts littering my apartment.
Dustin Meadows!, at 11:06 AM
Also also...I don't have a lifetime supply of NERF balls...But I've got a shit ton of those darts littering my apartment.
Dustin Meadows!, at 11:06 AM
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