Oh one more thing real quick.
Do you know how stupid it is to wear a red tee-shirt for AIDS day or to wear a pink one for breast cancer. You are not doing anything by putting on something you bought at AE for one day and never thinking about it again.
I'm sorry, but unless your halter starts talking and doing math it will not find a cure for a deadly infecious disease.
Jesus Christ.
Sorry I just got an e-mail and needed to vent.
Now I'm going to be late for class.
Do you know how stupid it is to wear a red tee-shirt for AIDS day or to wear a pink one for breast cancer. You are not doing anything by putting on something you bought at AE for one day and never thinking about it again.
I'm sorry, but unless your halter starts talking and doing math it will not find a cure for a deadly infecious disease.
Jesus Christ.
Sorry I just got an e-mail and needed to vent.
Now I'm going to be late for class.
In regards to the last post, you can still drink on Monday and be a responsible student! I'm living proof of that (sort of)!
In regards to this post, I hate the term "(Insert cause, disease, what have you here) Awareness" because it sounds retarded. "Oh, it's AIDS awareness day because I was completely ignorant to the plight of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome thanks to the likes of RENT and whiny liberals the world over. But thanks to this day, now I'm aware that such a debilitating disease does in fact exist."
If anything they should have "Get Off Your Ass And Actually Do Something For A Cause Instead Of Pretending You Care By Waving A Cheesy Protest Sign And/Or Wearing A Queer Ass Ribbon/Shirt Day."
Sorry. Your rant triggered my own rant. Stay classy!
Dustin Meadows!, at 5:00 PM
Also, I didn't realize you made a Back to the Future reference in a previous post (your Doomsday Clock observation) until now...Congratulations, you've officially ascended in my book of Who's Who (not that probably matters to anyone though).
Dustin Meadows!, at 3:48 PM
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