What Superbowl?
So I just spent 2 hours watching a documentary on the bible, yeah I'm that cool.
The more I watch on these things the more confused I get. I don't know if I believe any of the "god" thing and the more I learn the more it does not make sense. I mean humans are 160,000 years old. 2,000 years is nothing. So much of religious teaching seems to work on fear; fear of hell, fear of god. I don't think I could ever really know one way or the other.
That being said after 14 years of Catholic school I still identify with Catholicism greatly and I love the traditions of it. I can't explain why but it is still such a strong part of my back ground. I love the weddings, I loved being an alter girl (don't worry I was a girl), I love that the nuns who taught at my grade school were meaner than shit. I don't think I could ever look back on that part of my life as a bad thing.
On a lighter note
In lue of getting a real job and in favor of making some money I have decided to move to California and start a Center For celebrities Who Need to Learn to Shut The Fuck Up or cfcwntlsthu (we're working on it). If they pay 10,000 dollars to a personal shopper for a 3 month old I think my center will be a huge success. At cfcwntlsthu I will teach people who's very existence depends on how popular they are that sometimes we need to wear clothes and yes camera phones exist and will catch your racist rants.
Michael Richards will be pro-bono work, after that they'll all come flooding in.
Drunk Blogging is never a good thing.
I'm off.
I just saw you five minutes ago and now I'm posting on your blog...weird.
Dustin Meadows!, at 2:07 PM
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