So what's up
This weekend (yeah I'm about 4 days late but you know) I went home for a grand total of 43 hours. Long weekend.It was nice though I got to visit my favorite dive restaurant in Cleveland- Rubin's.
Rubin's is a 24 hour dinner on the west side of Cleveland, it is next to the Rapid station and a shut down old Pay less. I'm pretty sure people deal drugs in the parking lot.
We originally started visiting Rubin's when we were 16 because there was a cigarette vending machine in the doorway and we could buy cigarettes for the bargain price of 5 dollars in quarters.
An old Arab man runs it and every time I go he is there. I think he is a little bit of a perv but he's always friendly and gives us the table by the window.
Inside the typical scene is stretchy pants and over sized metal shirts topped off with acid washed denim and Marlboro Reds.
It is a classy place.
I try to visit every time I go home.
Did I mention they have kick ass hot chocolate and really good perigees.
After my trip down memory lane I went to on an interview with a production company that is making a pilot this summer, the director said that there is a 30 percent chance that it will get picked up-which means there is a 15 percent chance that it will get picked up but this is still the closest i have gotten to success so-score!
One weird thing though, Kelly, the assistant Director began the interview with a series of really bazar questions such as
"Dolphin or Manatee"
"Pen or Pencil"
"The Sopranos or The Simpson's"
I know.
Now if I don't get the job I'm blaming it completely on the manatees.
I then over to my brothers house and died Easter eggs. Later I fell asleep watching The Island.
I got to hang out with my nephew, whose new favorite game is walking me up and down the stairs and visiting the bathroom to weigh himself- he's such an anorexic teenager.
Easter was nice, but a little short because I had to be back in BG buy 6:00.
This week I skipped Canadian Film twice.
I'm an asshole.
I'm a big asshole, too. I skipped two classes yesterday for no real reason. (Skipped history because I wanted to sleep, skipped dinosaurs because I didn't feel like putting on pants--no joke.)
"which means there is a 15 percent chance that it will get picked up but this is still the closest i have gotten to success so-score!"
made me laugh out loud. Are you going to work for them, or are you still waiting to hear back? I hope you get it!
emily, at 8:08 AM
I skipped History of Film forever for the rest of the semester because I hate it and it sucks...But I was an asshole to begin with.
Also, I hope to hell you picked dolphins over manatees because if there's one species I fear could overthrow us, it's them...Oddly enough, that happens in an episode of The Simpsons....Hm, coincidence? I think not!
Dustin Meadows!, at 11:47 AM
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