You might know this weekend was
Dance Marathon. It was a lot of fun, I think it gets easier every year
and regardless of what you think about Dance Marathon it really helps a
lot of people. I had fun.
I can't really remember much about the weekend, it's kind of a haze but I do know that I made a pretty big jack-ass out of myself dancing the the talent show. There's a youtube video but I'm not posting it.
I got pretty emotional at the end (but 32 hours of standing and no sleep will do that...)
Other than that this week is going to be busy, I have 2 projects an essay, some journals due, 2 interviews with the Ribeau family and an article due. Sheish. Also I want to see Cabaret Thursday because I've never seen it.
Oh and I just got an e-mail from Prairie Margins- accepted! yes :0
48 Hours This weekend!
YAY! YAY! YAY! Congrats on your acceptance!!
Also, I'm pretty jealous that you get to interview the Ribeaus. If I ever talk to Sidney, I know that I will slip up and call him "SidRib." THAT would be embarrassing...
I think this weekend is going to be fun. I'm going to try to make it around to all of the groups to check up on them. Yay.
emily, at 4:18 PM
Our team's gonna win, that's all there is to it.
And as much as I do hate DM, I understand that it helps out. I just hate the fact that it's kind of a once a year thing and the fact that the mob mentality is "Oh, we're so charitable because we do this one thing" That's some noise, do my job, fools! But there are obviously exceptions to this, so you are spared my wrath!
If DM were monthly, then it might be a different story, and the motto could be changed from "It's For The Kids" to "Give 'Til It Hurts."
Dustin Meadows!, at 4:56 PM
I need to see this video of you in the talent show. If you won't post it on your blog, I might have to post it on MY blog. Uh oh. Just kidding! I would never embarrass you like that.
But I still want to see it...
Good luck on 48 hours. I don't care if my team wins or not, I just want to get "Musical" as my genre.
Kyle, at 11:33 AM
Thanks for writing this.
Anonymous, at 5:25 AM
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