Back In Cleveland
Hello, long time no see.
This summer will have a lack of updates since it takes me about 45 minutes to do anything with the ol' dial up connection.
So far this summer has been relaxing; besides my unsuccessful job hunt (which is scaring me more and more everyday especially since I have been using my credit card like crazy with the expectation that I would have a job by the time the bill arrived)
I have spent the last two weeks hanging out with friends and reading.
Goodbye Erich Remarque. This summer I plan on reading nothing but science-fiction and chick lit. I know it's not the most important stuff in the world but who cares? I have 2 years to read important books.
It's like the difference between watching a re-run of Buffy and The News Hour. Is it more important to know about the state of the world than to know how to close a hell-mouth over a small California town? Maybe. But is it more fun? No.
I saw spiderman 3 and loved that Spiderman turned emo that there was a dance montage.
I think it was the best in the series no matter what anyone says.
Things are much slower here and while it is sometimes nice I am about to go insane with cabin fever, ick.
I think I want to take a trip this summer.
Saturday Beth is coming up and we are going to Flower Child to look for overpriced vintage furniture and records. I'm excited. I think that store is one of my favorite things about Cleveland/Lakewood.
Another good thing I found out today Prairie Margins awards apparently pay money, so in 2-3 weeks I will be 250 dollars richer for submitting a shitty poem :)
I have been typing this whole thing in Word while my Internet loaded. Hopefully by now the page will be up and I can be on my way.